顯示 - 產品,共1615產品
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 10 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 10 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titlei-Smart 兒童智能相機 - 鋼鐵人
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 10 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 10 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titlei-Smart 兒童智能相機 - 史迪仔
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 10 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 10 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titlei-Smart 兒童智能相機 - 魔雪奇緣
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 10 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 10 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titlei-Smart 三眼怪系列甜甜圈心動
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 10 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 10 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titlei-Smart 燦子LED招財貓
pickup_detail香港寬頻將於客戶成功完成此產品訂單後4個工作天內,以電郵方式發出「產品/禮品換領通知」(「換領通知」)至客戶於Shoppy「寬樂買」所註冊之電郵地址。客戶請查閱換領通知上所列明之換領期,並於指定日期內到指定「香港寬頻專門店」領取產品。請客戶親身到指定專門店領取產品,並須向專門店職員出示身份證明文件或有關換領通知以核實身份,方可領取所訂購之產品。請客戶小心保管換領通知。 惟實際發貨須視乎產品存貨及物流情況而定,換領時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。 Shoppy 不設退換產品或退貨。如有任何爭議,Shoppy 保留最終決定權。HKBN will email a Notification of Product/Premium Redemption(redemption email) to customers registered email address at Shoppy within 4 working days upon successfully complete the purchase order. Customers shall pick up products they purchased in person at designated HKBN Shops and at designated redemption period stated on the redemption email. Customers shall present the redemption email or HK Identity Card for verification to our staff before pick up the products. Please keep safe of the redemption email. Product is subject to availability. The redemption date is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Shoppy will not provide any product exchanges or returns. In case of any disputes, the decision of Shoppy shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleSamsung Galaxy Tab S10+ Wifi (256GB 免費升級至 512GB)
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMarsahll MONITOR III A.N.C 頭戴式降噪藍牙耳機 MHP-96861
Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGoodway 威馬 1800W 浴室專用 陶瓷暖風機 (符合IP21防水測試) GH-18201
商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。
Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleKenwood 1.6L 無線電熱水壺 SJM100
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleBraun 百靈 MultiQuick 5 Vario 手提攪拌棒 MQ5245
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTefal 特福 9L Ultracompact 電蒸鍋 VC2048
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTefal 特福 MiniCompact 電蒸鍋 VC1398
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTefal 特福 IH720869 電磁爐