顯示 - 產品,共460產品
pickup_detail此產品只適用於送貨上門服務 每張訂單金額^滿港幣150元或以上即可享免費送貨上門服務; 金額^不足港幣150元的訂單須額外支付每張訂單港幣$20元運費。 (^訂單金額只計算Shoppy「 寬樂買」 設送貨上門服務之物流方式選項之產品金額,並未扣除已使用的電子優惠券或電子優惠碼( 如適用) 前之訂單金額) 貨品將於客戶成功完成此產品訂單後10-14個工作天內安排第三方物流公司送達至客戶指定之送貨地址 (惟實際發貨須視乎產品存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤) 香港寬頻將於貨品成功出貨後,以電郵方式發出「產品/禮品換領通知」(「換領通知」)至客戶於Shoppy「寬樂買」所註冊之電郵地址 Shoppy「 寬樂買」不設退換產品或退貨,如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Only Direct Delivery service applies to this product Enjoy free shipping^ upon spending of HK$150 or above per single order; an additional HK$20 shipping fee will be charged for purchase amount^ below HK$150 per single order. ^Free shipping only applies to products with Direct Delivery service in Shoppy, the purchase amount will be counted before applying e-discount coupon and e-promo code (if any) Goods will be delivered to customers designated shipping address via a third-party logistics company within 10-14 working days upon successfully complete the purchase order (Product is subject to availability and the delivery date is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement). HKBN will email a Notification of Product/Premium Redemption (redemption email) to customers registered email address at Shoppy upon successfully arrange the shipment. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_title内地及澳門365日上網卡
pickup_detail此產品只適用於送貨上門服務 每張訂單金額^滿港幣150元或以上即可享免費送貨上門服務; 金額^不足港幣150元的訂單須額外支付每張訂單港幣$20元運費。 (^訂單金額只計算Shoppy「 寬樂買」 設送貨上門服務之物流方式選項之產品金額,並未扣除已使用的電子優惠券或電子優惠碼( 如適用) 前之訂單金額) 貨品將於客戶成功完成此產品訂單後10-14個工作天內安排第三方物流公司送達至客戶指定之送貨地址 (惟實際發貨須視乎產品存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤) 香港寬頻將於貨品成功出貨後,以電郵方式發出「產品/禮品換領通知」(「換領通知」)至客戶於Shoppy「寬樂買」所註冊之電郵地址 Shoppy「 寬樂買」不設退換產品或退貨,如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Only Direct Delivery service applies to this product Enjoy free shipping^ upon spending of HK$150 or above per single order; an additional HK$20 shipping fee will be charged for purchase amount^ below HK$150 per single order. ^Free shipping only applies to products with Direct Delivery service in Shoppy, the purchase amount will be counted before applying e-discount coupon and e-promo code (if any) Goods will be delivered to customers designated shipping address via a third-party logistics company within 10-14 working days upon successfully complete the purchase order (Product is subject to availability and the delivery date is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement). HKBN will email a Notification of Product/Premium Redemption (redemption email) to customers registered email address at Shoppy upon successfully arrange the shipment. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_title內地及澳門 5日上網卡
pickup_detail此產品只適用於送貨上門服務 每張訂單金額^滿港幣150元或以上即可享免費送貨上門服務; 金額^不足港幣150元的訂單須額外支付每張訂單港幣$20元運費。 (^訂單金額只計算Shoppy「 寬樂買」 設送貨上門服務之物流方式選項之產品金額,並未扣除已使用的電子優惠券或電子優惠碼( 如適用) 前之訂單金額) 貨品將於客戶成功完成此產品訂單後10-14個工作天內安排第三方物流公司送達至客戶指定之送貨地址 (惟實際發貨須視乎產品存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤) 香港寬頻將於貨品成功出貨後,以電郵方式發出「產品/禮品換領通知」(「換領通知」)至客戶於Shoppy「寬樂買」所註冊之電郵地址 Shoppy「 寬樂買」不設退換產品或退貨,如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Only Direct Delivery service applies to this product Enjoy free shipping^ upon spending of HK$150 or above per single order; an additional HK$20 shipping fee will be charged for purchase amount^ below HK$150 per single order. ^Free shipping only applies to products with Direct Delivery service in Shoppy, the purchase amount will be counted before applying e-discount coupon and e-promo code (if any) Goods will be delivered to customers designated shipping address via a third-party logistics company within 10-14 working days upon successfully complete the purchase order (Product is subject to availability and the delivery date is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement). HKBN will email a Notification of Product/Premium Redemption (redemption email) to customers registered email address at Shoppy upon successfully arrange the shipment. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_title內地及澳門 3日上網卡
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini - 慢磨榨汁機 GSJ15DG
Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleSennheiser AMBEO Soundbar Mini (SB02S)
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleSennheiser AMBEO Soundbar Max (SB01)
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini - 迷你電子多功能雙層電蒸籠 GFS2DB-V2
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini - 2000瓦摺疊式速乾無刷DC風筒 GHDB20BK
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini - 2100W高效能電磁爐 GIC2100B
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini - 智能體重脂肪磅 GFS75
商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。
Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini - 1800瓦負離子風筒 GHDI18BK
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMarshall MAJOR V 頭戴式藍牙耳機 MHP-96832
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMarshall MINOR IV 真無線藍牙耳機 黑色 MHP-96653
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleDe'Longhi - 意式早餐復古系列電水壺 (海洋藍) (KBOV2000.AZ)
商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。
Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini 蒸氣掛熨機 GGS1580
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTEFAL 特福 - Includeo 電水壺 KI5338
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTEFAL 特福 - 1300W 養生烹煮機 BL967B
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTEFAL 特福 - 2800W Smart Protect Plus 蒸氣熨斗 FV6872
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTEFAL 特福 - 2600W Express Steam 蒸氣熨斗 FV2843
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 7 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 7 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleTEFAL 特福 - 2500W 蒸氣熨斗 FV5718
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini 3 合 1 石燒/鐵板/烘烤電焗爐 GBG900V
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie Snap+ 多設備旅行充電器 MOP-401309742
商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie Essentials PD 20W 移動電源 20000mAh 黑色 MOP-401112178
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie Essentials PD 20W 移動電源 10000mAh 黑色 MOP-401112176
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleSudio N2 Pro 無線耳機 主動降噪 鈦金屬色
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie USB3.2 USB-C至USB-C充電線(240W/10Gbps)- 1.5米 白色 MOP-409914135
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie Speedport 120W 4埠GaN快速充電器 MOP-409909310
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie UNV WRLS - MagSafe 3合1延伸支架 灰色-UK MOP-401311462
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie UNV Snap+ 磁吸無線充電板 MOP-401307634
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie 3合1旅行充電器 支授 MagSafe 黑色 MOP-401311508
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie UNV Battery Snap+ 10,000mAh MagSafe 桌面立式磁吸無線充電池 MOP-401107914
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMophie Snap+ Juice Pack Mini 5,000mAh 磁吸無線充電池 MOP-401107912
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。 Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleMarshall Motif II ANC 真無線藍芽耳機 黑色 MHP-96450
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini 多功能負離子WIFI直立風扇 GTFW46WH
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini 無葉HEPA及活性碳過濾直立風扇 GBF40WH
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleASFA 電動噴霧槍套裝 連補充裝1公升(加強版)
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleASFA 納米霧化器套裝
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleASFA 家居空氣淨化套裝
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini 2合1冷熱風扇 GHCF20WH
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後 5 個工作天內以電話方式聯絡客戶確認送貨安排。此產品由商戶直接派送,貨品派送前運輸會先致電客人確認送貨日期及時間。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will contact the customers by phone call and confirm the shipment within 5 working days upon receiving the purchase order. This product will be delivered by the merchant directly, courier will contact the customers and confirm the pick-up date and time before shipping. Product is subject to suppliers availability and the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_titleGemini 七吋空氣循環風扇 GCF07WH
pickup_detail商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內,由商戶直接派送,通常會以順豐速遞等可查詢物流派送,商戶未必會致電客人, 會直接由速遞聯繫及運送, 敬請留意。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。Merchant will deliver the order directly within 5 working days after receiving the customer's order. Usually it will be delivered by SF Express, etc. You can check the logistics. The merchant may not call the customer, but will be contacted and shipped directly by the courier. Please note. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.tc_title韓國Hyundai 迷你電鬚刨 PHT-047 3D浮動刀頭 電動刮鬍刀
商戶將於收到客戶訂單後5個工作天內,由商戶直接派送,通常會以順豐速遞等可查詢物流派送,商戶未必會致電客人, 會直接由速遞聯繫及運送, 敬請留意。惟實際發貨須視乎產品供應商存貨及物流情況而定,送貨時間有機會因貨存不足而有所延誤。於Shoppy「寬樂買」出售之產品,概不接受退換。如有任何爭議,香港寬頻擁有最終決定權。
Merchant will deliver the order directly within 5 working days after receiving the customer's order. Usually it will be delivered by SF Express, etc. You can check the logistics. The merchant may not call the customer, but will be contacted and shipped directly by the courier. Please note. Product is subject to supplier's availability & the shipment is subject to stock availability and logistic arrangement. Products sold at Shoppy cannot be refunded and exchanged. In case of any disputes, the decision of HKBN shall be final and conclusive.